tiistai 19. tammikuuta 2016

9 Things You Can Do to Serve Your Companion

Your companion is the most important person to you on a mission. You are with them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Here are some ideas that I used to serve my companions on a mission. These tips don't only apply to the companionships, but to the all the relationships in life.

1. Write them a note
This was something I did a lot. Sometimes maybe too much. But writing a note is super easy, super quick and makes your companion smile immediately.

2. Give them a massage
Mission can be stressful, so show your love to your companion by giving them a short massage. Once one missionary asked me: "Hermana Koivisto, do you actually like giving a massage or do you just like being nice?" I laughed at her and told that I just like being nice.

3. Make a list of things you love about them - and then share it with them
I did this with all my companions and they all loved it. For example at the MTC I made a list of the good qualities of my companion in my journal - and I did it  in Finnish. When my companion had a hard day, I asked her to sit next to me and showed her the list and translated it to her.

4. Collect positive notes from the others
When I was at the MTC, I asked all the other missionaries to write something postivie about my companion. Then I made a big card of all the positive notes from the other missionaries and teahcers to my companion.

5. Ask them if there is anything specific you can pray for them
You should alwa pray for your companions, even better if there's something you can pray specifically about. Asking your companion about what is something that you can pray about, shows that you care about them.

6. Buy them a little gift
It can be a little chocolate bar or a bottle of hairspray. You don't have to use a lot of money, but buying a little gift to your companion shows that you really care. 

7. Ask your parents to write them a letter
At the MTC I received a letter from my companions parents! That was so super nice and showed me that my companion likes me so much that she has written good things about me to my parents. After that I told about it to my parents and told that if they want to be nice, my companions would be happy about receiving letter from them!

8. One of the day
This is a little tradition I learned from my mini mission companion Sisar B. She had had a tradition with all her companions to share one thing every night they liked about each other that day. I continued the tradition with all my companions in my real mission.

9. Do something extra in your apartment
Make her a meal, wash their dishes or clean your apartment. I always remember how good I felt one Sunday when we came home from the church and my companion said to me: "You can go and take a nap. I'll cook for us".

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